2024 - A Year of Blessings in Review

Photo Credit: Blessings and Beyond

Today we sent out over 900 letters to those who have donated or supported over the years. This isn’t even close to the 1000’s that have given or supported in some fashion since 2007! But in the meantime we’ve also been busy blessing others through our coffee, cater, non profit and community! Here are just a small handful of ways we’ve blessed others in 2024! We are truly grateful!
  • We gave over $57,000 back to the community helping other local non profits and programs, schools, families, children and others who faced hardships.
  • We blessed 8 local nonprofits and 2 families with the $28,000 raised at our Blessings Ball.
  • We provided volunteer opportunities for patients overcoming addiction at Sequoia Treatment center who helped prepare meals.
  • We helped over 45 families going through tragic hardships
  • We blessed 5 different families for our annual Christmas tree of sharing, providing multiple gifts for each family member, treats, stuffed animals, blankets & more
  • We blessed 5 families with fully prepared Thanksgiving meals
Here are a few other highlights for the past year:
We finished our meal contract with TRAC with a total of 483,000 meals prepared and delivered in 21 months.
  • We became the meal provider for the 1st new scattered site shelter operated by Revive Counseling services.
  • We created a solution that Gonzaga Law School IP dept helped develop a patent for. A biometric fingerprint storage locker with built in Usb/Power outlet and mail slot.
  • We made 4,610 drinks through our coffee drive thru.
    We did 35 caters and in- house private events.
We are very excited for 2025! We pray for your continuing support and new support as well!

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