Big Blessed Bags

Photo Credit: Blessings and Beyond

As part of our new mission we are excited to share with you just one piece of many parts that we are working on, and there are still ways you can get involved! One these are duffel bags that we affectionately call, “Big Blessed Bags.” Each bag is packed full with everything a mother, child, or family needs while facing an urgent and overwhelming situation in which they are in immediate need of a new home and the essentials needed to get through a crisis. This could be a woman running from domestic violence, single parents, homeless with their kids, a teen who is couch surfing, or an organization that already supports these situations! We have huge duffel bags ready to fill and we’ve already blessed several children and families who appreciate their bags so much! Bless Robert Stevens of Molina Healthcare! They donated 500 of the coolest backpacks! So thankful! If you or your family would like to donate items to fill these bags, please visit our volunteer page and let us know that this is how you would like to help.

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