Amazing Mom To The Rescue For Grandbaby... Angel

Photo Credit: Blessings and Beyond

When Cheryl reached out to us letting us know the situation she was in and not having any local connections we answered the call and worked with one of our new partners to provide for her needs. While living in Vegas she got a call from her daughter letting her know she was struggling and asked for help. Without hesitation this amazing mother and grandmother left everything she had built in Vegas to move to Spokane to “help” her daughter and her 18-month-old baby Angel. As things transpired, she realized that things were not what she thought and that this sweet baby was not going to be in a safe and healthy environment as things were. She made a decision that would be life changing for them all. She had nowhere to go and no connections here, she was led to Blessings, made a plea for help so she could step up and provide for herself and her grandbaby. From having nowhere to live, she was blessed with an apartment and only a few basic things to start a new life. She asked and we answered quickly and with Blessed & our resources and the help of our partner Shawn & Cheaper By The Minute we were able to bless her with the necessities to provide for them both in a new apartment. From sleeping on an air mattress to a new bedroom set with new bed, microwave, dresser, bedding, blankets, baby necessities, clothes, and toys for Angel plus so many other needs we were grateful to be a part of this blessing and honored she chose us to help them. Click below to donate to Cheryl and Angel: Thank you for your compassion and support.

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