The samples included here are small sampling of those who are being blessed through the support of donors and volunteers. We are actively involved in improving the lives of people in our community on a daily basis.
Photo Credit: Blessings and Beyond
Tree Of Sharing Blessings for our community
March 14, 2024
Holiday's aren't always joyful for people in our community. To some, the pain and reminders of the hardships they are in was a lot to process with not being able to take care of their own needs let alone gifts for their families. Blessed stepped in and this year we were able to bless 10 families with much needed necessities, gifts for them and their children, toys, treats and love and compassion.
Be a part of blessing a local farmer who lost his arm
March 7, 2024
Eric Barr experienced a tragic farming accident while working on his property in Spokane. They had to work from most life threatening to least, which ultimately resulted in him losing his dominant right arm, broken jaw, tissue injuries from surgeries and muscle wasting. Medical bills are adding up and he needs our help!
Blessings and Beyond provides financial support to Operation Healthy Families, a local non-profit actively engaged in serving people in poverty with an emphasis on people of color and immigrants, in Spokane, WA.